What is Aluminum foil?
It is a paper-thin shiny sheet of aluminum metal. It’s making by rolling large slabs of aluminum until they are thin.
At home, people use this foil to storage food, to cover baking surfaces and to wrap foods, such as meats, fishes, vegetables, to prevent them from loosing moisture while cooking.
3 Reasons to eliminate Aluminum foil in your kitchen and what to use as a healthy substitute.
Things you’ve been using for your entire life can be bad for your health. One of these is aluminum. Believe it or not, every time you use this foil in the kitchen, as a result, it’s seriously harming your health!
Prepare or cooking food in aluminum foil has been shown to have significantly higher levels of aluminum than another mean.
1- It can contribute to bone disorders because either directly or indirectly impacts osteoblast production, leading to bone wasting. Using this foil regularly for years would equate to long-term oral aluminum intake. Consequently to contribute to bone disease.
2- Aluminum foil is a neurotoxin. Because it has no physiological role in the human body and causes serious effects when it is consuming, including Alzheimer’s disease. For instance high concentrations of this metal was detected in the brain tissue of patients with this disease. Scientists examining the community of old people with Alzheimer’s concluding that it is a modern disease. Its causes include living conditions like high levels of aluminum in daily life.
It also reduces the growth rate of human brain cells.
3- It can cause lung disease as an example pulmonary fibrosis. Because cooking or storing have a real risk for developing lung disease.
Why can aluminum penetrate your food?
The amount that passes into your food when cooking with aluminum foil depends by a number of things, such as :
Temperature : cooking at higher temperatures.
Foods : cooking with acidic foods, such as tomatoes, cabbage, rhubarb and lemon.
Certain ingredients: using salts and spices.
When aluminum interacts with acidic foods like tomatoes, lemon and spices, it has been shown to leach a portion of its metallic compounds into food people ingest. Consequently it can build up in the muscles, blood and organs, resulting in various health problems. Also these chemical reactions affect your immune system.
However, the amounts that permeates your food when cooking can vary. One study found for example, that cooking red meat in aluminum foil could increase its content by 89%——380%.
Therefore healthy people can excrete the small amounts of body absorbs.
How you can minimize your exposure to aluminum foil
Remove totally the aluminum content from your diet is impossible. However you can minimize unnecessary exposure when cooking.
Avoid high-heat cooking
Use non aluminum utensils, such as glass or porcelain utensils.
Avoiding mixing the A. Foil and acidic foods.
My research found that the aluminum contents into food during cooking process of food wrapped in this foil is above the permissible limit set by the World Health Organization.
Anything acidic sparks a particularly aggressive process that dissolves layers of aluminum into food.
I recommend using glassware or porcelain when preparing baked dishes. It’s safe to wrap food in parchment paper.
by Helena
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