Honey is the best-known bee product … But bees have other lesser-known, and arguably even more potent, solutions in their incredible antiviral arsenal. The anti-infectious weapon of bees Bees are obsessed with cleanliness. This is quite normal: you do not turn a beehive by […]
Why Give Up Aluminum Foil In Your Kitchen?
What is Aluminum foil? It is a paper-thin shiny sheet of aluminum metal. It’s making by rolling large slabs of aluminum until they are thin. At home, people use this foil to storage food, to cover baking surfaces and to wrap foods, such as meats, fishes, vegetables, to prevent them from loosing moisture while cooking. […]
Arsenic In My Rice?
Why is Rice hyper-polluted with Arsenic? Arsenic content in rice What is Arsenic? Arsenic is one of the world’s most toxic trace elements, known by the symbol As ! In its natural organic state is not a health problem, because the body metabolizes and eliminates by the kidneys. It is mainly found in plant and […]
Have You Heard Of “Vampire Therapy” ?
ARE LEECHES VAMPIRES ? WOOOOW! Leeches or Hirudotherapy: It’s very terrible to look at, but they can heal you from many conditions as Arthrosis, Hypertension, Skin problems, Back pain, Varicose veins etc.. Bloodletting is the most common medical practice from the first century AD until the nineteenth century. Bloodletting by leech became so popular that, in […]
What Does Halloween Mean ?
What does Halloween mean? The word Halloween come from two words smushed together: Hallow or holy person— refers to the saints celebrated on All Saints’Day in November 1st. The “een” part of the word is a contraction of “eve”— or evening before. “All Hallows Eve” or the evening before “All Saints”, and”All Souls” day on 2nd November. In the 5th century B.C. in Celtic […]
The Dangers Of LEDs
Understanding the dangers of LEDs Understanding how LEDs can harm your health begins with the recognition that light emitted from an LED bulb is of a different quality than a natural light source. Normally, a natural light source is a black body radiator that gives off all kinds of wavelengths in a more or less […]