Hormone Imbalance : The aesthetic decline is one of the most feared processes of aging. For instance, wrinkles, saggy skin, and white hair are the physiological consequences of such a passage. However, what really triggers those feared changes are inside of us, and by addressing the cause, we can ease the problem. Do you know […]
Why Twins Are Identicals?
All Twins are Identicals? Many people believe that twins are simply twins. But exist a difference. We have 2 types of twins: Identical twins —-do not run in families, but happen by chance . Identicals come from the same fertilized egg, and is also called monozygotic. This means that they share all the same genes and […]
Man With a Hypo Thyroid Function
Hypo Thyroid function Hypo thyroid- Getting diagnosed and how to treat it When it comes to Hypothyroidism , low functioning thyroid, we usually think of woman and that is because woman are much more susceptible to Hypothyroidism than man. but that doesn’t mean men can’t develop an underachieve thyroid. The symptoms of hypothyroidism in men […]
Glands and Hormones
Do you know your Glands and Hormones ? Hormones are chemical messengers that tell organs or glands in our body to start or stop doing something. Hormones are released into our bloodstream by various glands located throughout the body. The Glands function is to secrete specific hormones. Consequently Hormones are […]