Honey is the best-known bee product … But bees have other lesser-known, and arguably even more potent, solutions in their incredible antiviral arsenal.
The anti-infectious weapon of bees
Bees are obsessed with cleanliness.
This is quite normal: you do not turn a beehive by letting germs and microbes infiltrate, which would kill all the larvae…
That’s why they produce propolis.
Propolis is a mixture of resins, wax and salivary enzymes. Bees line their hive with propolis to sanitise it and prevent intrusions.
In fact, when an intruder enters the hive, the bees even have a neutralisation protocol to prevent them from destroying their home.
First, they sting it (and dozens of bee stings are enough to kill any rodents that venture there!)… Then they coat it with propolis.
The propolis that scents the corpse helps to retain and destroy all microbes, bacteria and other parasites that could contaminate the hive.
Clearly, when they attack them … the bees retaliate and mummify their opponent.
It must be said that the benefits of this resin cover a very broad spectrum.
Propolis is recommended for its strong antibacterial power (especially on antibiotic resistant bacteria, such as streptococci and staphylococci), but also for its antiviral and antifungal properties.
Types of Propolis
You should know that there are 3 varieties of propolis with different powers: brown propolis, red propolis and green propolis.
Brown propolis: The resin of poplars produce this variety, which is found in Europe.
This resin is known to contain a unique active principle, CAPE. Thanks to it, brown propolis has the strongest anti-inflammatory effect of all, but not only: it also has anesthetic and analgesic properties. Therefore can be used to calm pain.
Sometimes in dental surgeries and also during mouthwashes, is normal its uses with macerates and essential oils.
Green propolis is produced halfway around the world, in Brazil, from an endemic shrub variety: Baccharis.
Green propolis is said to be “anti-infectious” thanks to an active ingredient which is also unique: arpelline.
It is also recommended to reduce acidity and protect the digestive mucosa.
It’s possible to make a mother tinture of green propolis associated with fig tree buds, to combat heartbum.
Red propolis is perhaps the most spectacular of all. It comes from Dalbergia, a legume from Central America. It is known for its strong antioxidant power, but also because it has properties that could be formidable in the fight of cancer.
Also fights angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels that develop tumors).
Opposes the fall of white blood cells during chemotherapy.
Acts on restoring the apoptosis signal (the mechanism that causes abnormal cells to destroy themselves).
Other surprising applications of propolis are testing: poplar propolis (brown) is tested against HIV (virus that causes AIDS). Green Propolis could be used as a natural vaccine adjuvant, to reduce the risks associated with vaccination.
These are just a few examples, but they all have one thing in common:
They open up gigantic hopes in some of the most complicated fields of scientific research.
How bees work?
Do you know what differentiates a normal bee from its queen?
They are not two different species, as you might think …
In fact, all bee larvae follow the same diet: 3 days of royal jelly, then a porridge made from pollen and nectar. All, except the future queens.
Queens are fed royal jelly for about 8 days, which is 5 more than normal bees.
These 5 days of “rab” are enough to multiply by 10 the life expectancy of the bee: a normal bee will live about 6 months … while a queen can live 5 years. Or 10 times longer!
And this despite a frantic rate of laying, which can reach 2000 eggs per day …
This is the hardest thing for beekeepers to achieve: they get it by separating the queen from her hive.
To ensure the sustainability of their hive, nurses will feed several larvae with royal jelly to obtain a new queen as quickly as possible. Since it’s an emergency, they even produce jelly in slightly excess amounts – and that’s where the beekeeper will come and collect it.
In ancient Egypt, it was reserved only for the Pharaoh. For the Egyptians, it was an elixir of youth and longevity.
Propolis and Covid-19
We define Propolis as a balsamic and resinous product . It is a mixture of different plant parts and molecules that bees secrete. This product, humans use since ancient times for its medicinal properties. As a natural compound propolis has actually a wide application. Such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antitumor, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotetive properties.
Concerning the use in SARS-Cov-2 infecting patients, some considerations are observed. This resinous product inhibits the virus entry cells, due its flavonoides content. Chrysin and Kaempferol are highly actively in inhibiting viral replication. Another important flavonoide is Quercetin, that in conjunction with vitamin C inhibit proteases of the virus.
Propolis effects on the Immune System
Bee Propolis is a great immune booster. It increases the number of immune cells. Boosts immune cell activities, ups antibody production, activates macrophages (increasing numbers, responsiveness, and bacteria killing) and increases Natural Killer cell activity.
Also has:
*An antioxidant effect, useful in reducing the effects of oxidative stress which destroys tissue in Covid patients whose immune system is under stress.
*A regulatory effect on ACE2 receptors which play a key role in infection.
*An overall immunity boosting effect.
Finally, the safety, health effects, low cost, and easy use make propolis an intriguing supportive therapy for SARS-Cov-2.
To learn more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3872021/
How to use :
Propolis comes in easy to swallow capsule or liquid form.
Take internally for general wellbeing, or dilute Propolis liquid into water as a gargle or mouthwash for throat and mouth health.
You can also apply In the form of liquid directly to the skin to aid healing.
1. Xu, Zhang Y. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of COVID-19. Compl. Ther. Clin. Pract. 2020;39:101165.
2. William G Lima, Júlio C M Brito, Waleska S da Cruz Nizer, « Bee products as a source of promising therapeutic and chemoprophylaxis strategies », Phytotherapy Research, 18 septembre 2020,
3. Plants et sante/ covid-19/4395-efficacite de la propolis contre covid-19.
Naturalize Yourself!