What is the prostate gland?
The prostate is a small muscular walnut-sized gland in the male reproductive system. Your prostate surrounds your urethra and makes most of the fluid in your semen. Its muscular action helps propel the fluid and semen through your penis during sexual climax.
The role of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase in the prostate gland.
The role of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is to convert some of your testosterone into DHT (DiHydroTestosterone).
But with age, the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase gets carried away. As a result, it turns more and more testosterone into DHT, the first step in your prostate problems. New prostate cells are created, resulting in the swelling of your prostate. The increase in DHT, causes your body to make more prostate cells. Your prostate cell count increases and therefore your prostate gets bigger.
By the enlargement of the prostate, it compresses your urethra, and urine has trouble passing. Your jet is less powerful, and you can no longer completely empty your bladder. As a result you have to go to the toilet more often, urgent urges wake you up. The more your prostate swells, the less you can empty your bladder. Consequently, inflammation of your prostate starts to occur.
As your prostate grows, it takes up more space and pushes other organs. This inflation can create micro-lesions in your body, and it reacts by going into state of emergency🆘. It sends inflammatory proteins and cytokines to your prostate. Then this area of your body starts to heat up and becomes sensitive.
What’s happening with your prostate gland?
As a result , occurs an Infection of organs, near your prostate!
Your prostate continues to grow and disrupts the fibromuscular area responsible for passing urine. You have delayed drops after using the bathroom. The walls of your bladder are compressed and they become looser. Since you cannot empty completely, urine stagnates and bacteria can grow. Toxic molecules appear in your bladder.
So, when the walls are flabby, bacteria proliferate more easily and the risk of infection increases. These infections can trigger serious complications when they reach the kidneys (pyelonephritis).
What is BPH?
Enlargement of the prostate is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). It is not the same as prostate cancer and doesn’t increase the risk of cancer, but can cause symptoms that can affect your quality of life. BPH is common in men after 50 years old.
BPH is considered a normal condition of male aging. The exact cause is unknown, but changes in male sex hormones that come with aging may be a factor.
BPH Symptoms include:
- Incomplete bladder emptying
- nocturia ( need to urinate 2 or more times per night)
- dribbling at the end of your urinary stream.
- incontinence or leakage of urine.
- a sudden urge to urinate.
- the need to strain when urinating.
- painful urination
- blood in the urine
About Prostate Gland Cancer:
Prostate Cancer is a more serious condition than BPH, but both affect the prostate gland which gets larger. BPH is benign, is not cancer and it can’t spread. Cancer can spread to other parts of your body.
As the prostate grows for any reason, it squeezes the urethra and this pressure prevents urine from getting down your urethra and out of your body. The prostate cancer symptoms don’t start until the cancer has grown large enough to put pressure on the urethra.
In addition to the symptoms already mentioned in BPH you can feel:
- pain or burning urination
- blood in your urine
- trouble getting erection
- painful ejaculation
- blood in your semen
All cancers starts when cells start to multiply out of control, and it is caused by changes to DNA. You can inherit DNA changes from your parents which can develop during your lifetime.
Other factors that can increase your risk for BPH or prostate cancer, are:
Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, low levels of vitamin D and bad nutrition.
How to prevent and treat your prostate gland naturally:
This graph shows what could happen to your prostate, if you don’t do anything . From the size of walnut at 20 to a grapefruit at 80. This depending on your production of dihydrotestosterone. When left unchecked, this hypertrophy can cause inconvenience. However, DHT makes the prostate bigger..up to 5 times faster than testosterone.
What do you have to do?
In this paragraph I show you some natural solutions to maintain your prostate healthy.
To block the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase Saw Palmetto and Nettle roots can helps to regulate the action of enzymes.
Saw Palmetto is a type of small palm tree found in Florida. Native Americans from the Seminole tribe in Florida traditionally ate Saw Palmetto berries as food and to treat urinary and reproductive problems associated with an enlarged prostate gland and infertility.
Saw Palmetto is widely used by medical practitioners in Europe to treat symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
Nettle has been considered the gold standard against prostate disorders since it was validated by the WHO. Herbalists call nettle the plant of many virtues. Nettle improves the functioning of the urinary tract.
How to contain excess of prostate cells:
For limiting the creation of excess prostate cells, the solution may be Maca, Zinc and Florida Palm.
Maca is the secret plant of the Incas to wake up your libido. It is one of the most effective herbs against sexual problems in men. Also to fertility, sperm production and sperm mobility. These effects are so impressive, that the Incas have a legend about it.
It was allegedly given in error by the god of lightning, who wanted to punish a couple for their inability to love each other. He wanted to send them a bolt of lightning which missed the couple and hit the ground. The energy transmitted to Mother Earth of the Incas gave birth to maca.
Zinc is called the mineral of virility. Found in large amounts in the prostate, it helps your body make testosterone. When you have some prostate problems, your blood zinc level drops.
Selenium together with Zinc works in your prostate by contributing to spermatogenesis (production of sperm). Selenium deficiency is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.
Florida Palm or Sabal is one of the most recognized plants for relieving urinary disorders associated with BPH. Sabal fruits are grown in Brazil, and are extracted using a technique that promotes a high concentration of fatty acids and phytosterols that act on your prostate.
Cytokines and inflammation——-Saw Palmetto.
Do you know what is the secret of indians to firming the bladder walls?
Pumpkin seeds! They are so powerful that their benefits have been recognized by the WHO ( World Health Organization). The Native Americans have used pumpkin seeds for over 10.000 years. According to them, the pumpkin seeds helped elders of the tribe to fight against their prostate problems.
2 large studies about pumpkin seeds have deciphered that thanks to their high arginine content, which works on the walls of your bladder, stimule the production of nitric oxide which relaxes the muscles in your bladder. With relaxed muscles, it works better for urine flow.
Is Drinking coffee good for your prostate?
Yes! The compounds on coffee Cafestol and kahweol have well-known cancer-fighting abilities. So, Clinical studies have shown that drinking 2 cups of coffee a day, may lower your risk of developing prostate cancer.
Nutrition also can play a role in prevent health issues on your prostate. Whenever possible, replace animal based fats with plant-based fats. Olive oil, chickpeas, lentils, fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits are a good option.
Dairy – some studies, according to the Mayo Clinic, have linked dairy products, or diets high in calcium, with an increased risk of prostate cancer.
Healthy choices, such as exercising, not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a healthy diet may reduce your risk of prostate cancer or BPH.
Have a sex life : published in the journal European Urology, an American study at Harvard Medical School has shown that ejaculating between 15 and 21 times per month may help reduce the number of aging cells in the prostate that can develop into cancer.
And a similar Australian study points to 7 times a week to prevent prostate cancer!
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by Helena
la Nutrition: lycopene prevents prostate from getting bigger
Medical Swiss Magazine
Uro France: begnin hypertrophy of prostate
Naturalize Yourself !