Holistic Lifestyle
When you live your life and heal your body through natural remedies, organic food, looking to your physical and emotional aspects as a whole, this means that you live a holistic lifestyle !
The whole person is made up of independent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected.
This means that imbalances can affect negatively your overall health and well being.
The holistic doctor will take a look at the possible factors that are causing these imbalances and then propose a treatment.
A holistic lifestyle approach understands that the root of sickness is not only physical, but can be mental or emotional. Wellness is the ultimate state of wholeness that can be achieved by a human being. Proper nutrition and exercise are crucial components of wellness. “Going Holistic”means turning away from any conventional medical options and using alternative treatment.
I think that this is the best way of living a good and healthy life. You have a connection with nature which benefits your physical, emotional, mental and also spiritual state of wellness.
For living a holistic lifestyle you have to follow some steps :
1- Choosing organic superfoods and use them as medicine. Recognise the power of food as a cure for many diseases and to prevent them.
We all know that healthy nutrition plays a big role in your overall health. It is important to follow an individual nutrition, because each body is biologically unique and the diet also needs to be unique.
You know eating junk food makes you feel bad and can damage your body. But you also know that clean and healthy eating can not only make you feel better, but also healing some issues or prevent them.
Healthy eating affects the body both internally and externally. While medications may treat symptoms, healthy eating can help prevent them with the use of supplements and super foods.
Examples of Superfoods :
Oatmeal, Flaxseeds, Chia seeds, Almonds, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Coconut, Coconut Oil, ExtraVirgin Olive Oil, Sweet Potatoes, Berries, Avocados, Kale, Broccoli, Spinach, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger, Wild Salmon and Dark Chocolate!
2- What is Natural Medicine ?
It is an alternative to Conventional Medicine in order to maintain your body clean and not toxic. It also focus on each patient as an individual and treats the whole person instead a particular area.
Nutritional excess and deficiency in today’s society became a problem, both leading to chronic diseases.
Some dietary and herbal approaches attempt to balance the body’s nutritional well-being where dietary supplements are widely used. Anything you add to your diet to improve your health is considered a dietary supplement and may include vitamins, minerals, herbs, Homeopathic products and certain food products.
For most of my life, I trusted conventional doctors thinking it was the best, but when I endured traumatic events I had to look for answers that they didn’t give me. I found my answers in Orthomolecular and Holistic Medicine.
Personal experience often motivates us to learn more about our bodies and how we can heal from illness, stress or trauma. I wanted to uncover ways to evolve beyond my negative habits that were causing me depression and stress.
3- Mental and emotional health are the extreme importance for a better healing, and the power of the connection between mind and body.
Wellness is the state of being health in body and mind especially as a result of deliberate effort. Is a dynamic process of change and growth.
Emotional wellness is the ability to engage in emotional self-regulation, which means an individual’s ability to identify and regulate emotions and the triggers that incited them.
Social Wellness
It is the state of our personal network, that typically elicits a connotation of online profiles, photo galleries and superficial human connections. All exacerbate anxiety, depression and dissatisfaction with your own life rather than making a good contribution to it.
I don’t mean social media but your social network and friendships. Socialisation is intrinsic to human brain circuitry, because humans are a social species.
Toxic relationships are hazardous to your health and stronger friendships and social network make you live longer and happier lives.
One toxic friendship does more damage than having no friends at all. It is not necessary to have 200 friends, but rather a trustworthy friend that will improve your life. Be selective!
Seek out therapy when needed because this is an essential part of supporting your emotional health. Practice mindfulness and stress reduction.
Therapies like meditation, biofeedback and hypnosis are useful for mind. Others believe that senses, touch, hearing, smell and taste affects the health. Therapies that incorporating dance and music are also quite useful.
Research has shown that the happiest people on earth have deep connections with their friends and family.
Body techniques are combining with those of the mind. Touch has been used on the idea that illness or injury in one area of the body can affect all parts of the body. Massage, Tai chi, Yoga, Reiki are some examples.
Yoga coming the Sanskrit language meaning union and is over 5000 years old. It is one of the oldest physical disciplines in the world and was introduced to America in the 18th century.
Reiki is a spiritual practice from Japan and its theories suggest the emotional, physical and mental bodies are one energetic system.
Some professionals believe that external energies can affect a person’s health. They use Electromagnetic Therapy, Reiki and Qigong to balance the energies.
Traditional Chinese medicine and holistic lifestyle
It has thousand of years old. Its basic concept is that a vital force of life, called Qi, surges through the body. Any imbalance to Qi can cause disease and illness and opposite forces cause this imbalance that make up the Qi. They are yin and yang.
It is believed that to regain balance, you must achieve the balance of internal organs and the external elements of earth, water, wood, fire and metal.
4- Regular physical activity is often associated with health and longevity. Physical wellness have several components such as body mass index (BMI), cholesterol and glucose levels. Also regules blood pressure, functioning of organs systems, including musculature of the body, skeletal structure, and the circulatory system.
Besides these physical components of well-being, there are various lifestyle factors and behaviours that either promote or diminish wellness. Examples: alcohol, tobacco use, sleep patterns, exercise habits, diet, nutrition and lifestyle factors such as stress or work- life balance.
Our bodies evolved to be active like our primitive ancestors. But today we have a far better understanding that living a modern sedentary lifestyle can cause illness and disease. Regular physical activity increases productivity and stimulates positive emotions. In the same time decreases negative emotions.
Another health benefit of exercising is increase your quality of sleep.
Are you getting enough quality sleep?
It is obvious that short-term sleep deprivation increases plasma concentrations of ghrelin. It is a hormone which increase appetite, and decreases leptin, a hormone that regules satiety. Studies have shown that adults should get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
”You can’t perform at your best unless you give your body time to rejuvenate during sleep”, says Rachel Salas M.D., an associate professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine.
”Sleep also gives your body a chance to refresh itself. It is a time when the systems in the body wind down and rest”.
No physical activity has been shown to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes type 2, anxiety, depression and certain cancers. Older adults who are physically active can reduce their risk of falls and bone loss.
Move your body at least 30 minutes each day walking in the nature! Inactivity tends to increase with age. Women are more likely to lead inactive lifestyles than men.
Like introducing anything new, give it time. As you begin to experience how possible is to create balance in your life, you’ll naturally feel to find more ways to support you in all areas.
Now you can already think about changing foe a holistic lifestyle. All you need is :
What is Motivation?
For me it is a habit or practice based on intention. It’s something you can create by repetition, patience and discipline.
Do you know how ready you are to make changes ?
My answer is : when you start to feel hungry for success you are ready to make changes! One day you wake up felling a huge desire to achieve your goals and real results. Don’t worry , go ahead and keep pushing!
By Helena