Why drink Organic Coffee?
Drinking coffee is a common habit among people. According to the International Coffee Organization, 153 million bags of coffee are consumed per year globally. Coffee is one of the most widely traded commodities in the world.
Farming methods have been developing to maximizes production, sometimes at the expense of human and environmental health. Conventional coffee is among the most heavily chemically treatment into foods. It is steeped in pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and synthetic fertilizers.
Farmers are exposing to a high level of these chemicals while spraying the crops during harvest, which are highly toxic to human health.
Coffee naturally prefers the shade, but plants are now hybrids developing to flourish in open sun.🌞 Production increases, but the ecosystem of fauna and flora is destroyed. Natural pest-combat, like birds and lizards are left without a habitat and insects overpopulate leading to more and more use of pesticides. Also without the natural fertilizer from birds, the use of chemicals fertilizers increase.
Coffee itself does not cause any health problems, but the risks associating with drinking coffee can actually be traced back to the chemicals and pesticides, mold and mycotoxins residues, found in conventional growing practices. This is a big risk!
Risks of drinking conventional coffee:
Many of the chemicals are neurotoxins, that affect both 🐜 insects 🕷 and humans. It causes coordination problems and trembling hands (Parkinson’s symptoms).
The most used pesticide glyphosate ( Roundup ), even in small doses, can cause cancer 20 or 30 years later, including damage to the DNA, according the Brazilian National Cancer Institute.
It is very difficult to prove causality between the use of pesticides and cancer, because cancer takes so many years to develop.
Other common symptoms such as sickness, headache, insomnia, restlessness are cause for drinking bad coffee.
Is Organic Coffee safe?
In Organic coffee there are no synthetic fertilizers or chemicals using in growing or production. This means cleaner beans, land, air and water. The coffee is grown with only organic fertilizers, like chicken manure or compost, and coffee pulp.
Most organic coffee is grown naturally within the shade of lush forests , providing a home for wild animals and plants, sustaining soil fertility and an alive ecosystem.
Organic coffee tastes better, because growing in higher altitudes where it takes longer to develop results in a richer flavour. It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed by the body.
After all is Coffee good or bad for You?
Unroasted Coffee Beans
Health benefits of coffee:
Improve energy levels because it contains a stimulant — caffeine.
Improves brain function, including memory, mood, vigilance.
Can help you burn fat because caffeine boost your metabolic rate.
Contains essential nutrients, including vitamin B2, B5, B3, manganese, potassium, magnesium.
Lower your risk of type 2 Diabetes, because may process glucose better.
May lower and appears to be protective against 2 types of cancer : Colorectal and Liver.
Coffee is quite high in antioxidants and polyphenols ( a type of antioxidant) which may even boost longevity and reduce internal inflammation.
Drinking 2 cups of organic coffee a day may help ward off heart failure, because force pumping more blood to the body.
Women that drink at least one cup of coffee a day may have a lower stroke risk.
Negative effects of drinking coffee:
Drinking too much coffee can have some adverse effects.
Women who drink a lot of coffee may have higher risk of bone fractures.
Increases heart rate.
Raise blood pressure for some people that have some predisposition.
Can cause anxiety.
You may have trouble falling asleep.
Species of Coffee :
Coffee has its origin in the African Continent. There are several species of the genus Coffea, but only two are of economic importance worldwide.
Coffea Canephora ( Conilon and Robusta), using to make blends with Arabica.
Coffea Arabica considering more noble, pure and of better quality.
The world’s largest coffee producer is Brazil, and the largest producer state is Minas Gerais with almost 100% of Arabica specie and specialty coffees.
Caffeeine tolerance is different for everyone. You want to do what makes you feel good as coffee is a part of your lifestyle. Some factors can make a big difference on your health, such as a balancing diet, exercising and a healthy weight.
People who wishes to derive health benefits from coffee should avoid exceeding the daily intake. There are different ways of drinking it. And this makes very difficult to determine how coffee affects a person and which component is a benefit or not.
”Moderate coffee drinking includes part of a healthy diet. However, coffee isn’t for everyone”.
Types of Coffee Roasts :
Light – colour light brown, taste (toasted, light body, high acidity).
Medium – colour brown, taste (round, sweet flavour, extra body).
Medium-dark – colour dark brown, taste (heavy, full body, bittersweet).
Dark – colour black, taste ( smokey, burnt, intensely bitter).
The longer a coffee is roasting, the more the heat influences its flavour.
Lighter roast :
The lighter a coffee is roasting the more coffee’s origins are shown off, because the process has minimum influence.
Medium roast is a slightly darker shade of brown. The colour change is due by the natural sugars within the beans that begin to caramelise. Like the light colour, medium roast is more delicious and healthy.
Ideally is useful to make Moka, French etc…You should choose 100% Arabica and organic coffee.
Medium dark roast beans are a dark shade of brown and the oils inside of the beans are more visible. Usually dark roast is a process to cover defects and inconsistencies caused during production. It’s cheap, low-grade coffee.
Because of this you must choose 100% Arabica and organic coffee. This type of roasting normally is using to make a “classic italian espresso”, but in a health way.
Dark roast beans lost the original flavours and acidity have been destroyed, the beans are burnt and charred. This type of roast is done to hide how awful the green coffee tastes due to poor processing. Usually only the cheapest and low-grade robusta coffee is over roasted.
Because of this you must choose 100% Arabica and organic coffee. This type of dark roast is largely useful to make a “classic italian espresso”.
reduces the amount of Chlorogenic acids, but forms other antioxidants compounds. Roasted coffee contains 10/15 % less caffeine. But dark roast = more caffeine.
The oil in boiling coffee has cafestol and kahweol, 2 compounds call Diterpenes , which can raise LDL cholesterol, and lower HDL. The clinical significance of such small increases in cholesterol may be questionable, because it is not associating with an increase in cardiovascular deaths.
How we can verify, coffee is good for some and bad for others. It all depends on how you choose and prepare your coffee. You should to listen to your body and feel what it says to you.
Look to buy only organic, 100% Arabica coffee !
By Helena
the New York Times
hopkins medicine.org
Buy Now the best Organic and Fairtrade Coffee!
Naturalize Yourself !