What kind of Diet?
Oh my god ! I’m confusing..
Do you know what is a Diet ?
Diet can simple be the sum of calories and nutrients… But also mean foods and dietary patterns.
Every one talks about a healthy eating, but I don’t want to talk about diets or which ones to follow, but a lifestyle that you can choose!
What does healthy lifestyle mean?
Eating organic locally grown foods
Avoid processed foods (all types)
Limite alcohol consumption
Exercise more
It’s easy?
No, but you should to try, if you want to avoid diseases in the present and future !
Which diet do I choose?
You can’t follow a diet because your friend follows, or because you saw in internet. You have to follow one that works to you, according to your needs or deficiencies.
Mediterranean Style—–is based on traditional foods, in countries like Italian and Greece. Research noted that these people from mediterranean is exceptionally healthy compared with American and others countries. It’s composed by vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, beans, some whole grains, fish and seafood, and moderate amounts of dairy, poultry and eggs. Red meat is eaten rarely. Extra Virgin Olive Oil—-is the main item on this diet.
People doesn’t eat: added sugars, processed meat, refined grains, refined oils and other highly processed foods.
Mediterranean food plan is recommended for healthy heart and overall well being.
Paleo Diet—–is based on tribal or paleolithic hunter gatherer diet. It’s completely against refined sugars, processed flour, sugars sweetened beverages, or carbohydrates in general. This diet excludes dairy and legumes. Preach by consumption of lean meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Some studies demonstrate that a Paleo diet is good for people with unstable lipids markers, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
Ketogenic Diet
It is the fashion diet! people only talk about ” Keto”. This is an eating plan that focuses on foods with a lot of healthful fats, adequate amounts of protein, and very few carbohydrates. The goal is to get more calories from fat that from carbs. The diet works for depleting the body of its sugar reserves and will start to break down fat for energy. This results in the production of molecules called ketones, that the body will use to fuel. When body burns fat can lead to weight loss. This food plan have 2 types: standard and cyclical.
The benefits are: supports weight loss, may reduce the risk of certain cancers, improve heart health, protect brain function, hormone balance and more..
But pay attention to the risks: kidney stones, excess protein in the blood, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, build up fat in the liver. People who have diabetes insulin dependent, kidney disease or pancreatitis, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, eating disorders, should avoid the keto diet.
Vegetarian or Vegan Diet
Vegetarian diet, contains only plants, such as vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, dairy and eggs. Vegan is the same, without dairy and eggs, because vegans don’t eat foods that come from animals. Dairy alternatives can be eating such as soy products, flaxseed cream and vegan eggs. You can get most of nutrients you need from eating a varied and balanced vegetarian or vegan diet.
What is the vegan protein sources?
Soy products—lentil— quinoa— chia seed— beans— chickpeas— pumpkin seeds— green peas— spinach— mushrooms— oat meal etc….
The body needs Vitamin B12, to make red blood cells and keep the neurological system functioning well. However vitamin B12 only occurs naturally from animal sources. Vegans should take a vitamin B 12 and vitamin D supplement.
Besides these diets we can find many others. But if you want to choose the perfect ones which works according to your needs, the right is one made “Just 4 You”, in oder words one specific for your goals.
All diets are attractive, and promises good effects, but you need to follow the one that benefits your current state, and a healthy lifestyle.
You should to be determined and change your lifestyle. You have to make blood analysis, to know what is missing and what is in excess. Only then you can follow a diet made for you!
What is your goal ?
Weight Loss? | Keep Weight? | Gain Muscle? | Weight Gain? | Avoid Disease? | To Treat Disease? |
In conclusion:
Aside from your goals it is always good to remember to eat as much organic food as possible! Drink pure water, sleep 7-9 hours every day and exercise more!
“Knowledge is power, especially when you are looking to make the best health choices for you.”
by Helena
Naturalize Your self !
Click here and try my personalized diet plan “Just 4 you”