Coenzyme Q10 is responsible for energy metabolism and for the millions of things your body does 24/7 to keep you alive and well. Found in all the cells of your body, it makes your heart beat faster, helps your immune system expels bad bacteria, helps your brain retains, understands and analysis.
Coenzyme Q10 is the difference between an inanimate puppet and you. Scientists call it “the spark of life”.
Your body produces CoQ10 naturally, but its production tends to decrease with age. Older people seem to be deficient in this compound. Health conditions like heart disease, brain disorders, diabetes and cancer have been linked to low levels of CoQ10.
Coenzyme Q10 is found in meat, fish and nuts. However the amount found in these dietary sources isn’t enough to increase CoQ10 levels in your body.
What is Coenzyme Q10?
Coenzyme Q10(CoQ10) or Ubiquinone (reduced form) is a compound made by your body and stored in the mitochondria of your cells. The mitochondria are in charge of producing energy. It’s involved in making Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is involved in energy transfer within cells. It is also a potent antioxidant present in human low-density lipoprotein(LDL) and protect cells from oxidative damage.
Excessive amounts of free radicals lead to oxidative damage, which can interfere with regular cell functioning. This is known to cause many health conditions.
Some chronic diseases have been linked to low levels of CoQ10 — ATP is used to carrie out all the body’s functions, and oxidative damage is destructive to cells.
Many studies have shown various ways in which the Ubiquinol form of CoQ10 supports heart health because provides the cell energy needed to power the heart.
Some benefits of CoQ10:
Heart failure—-is often a result for other heart conditions such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease. These conditions can lead to increased oxidative damage and inflammation of the veins and arteries.
Heart failure occurs when these problems affect the heart and it is unable to regularly contract, relax or pump blood through the body. CoQ10 helps treat heart failure by improving heart function, increasing ATP production and limiting oxidative damage.
Brain—- your brain is the first beneficiary of a good CoQ10 level. You feel that nothing can resist you and everything smiles on you.
Female fertility—- with age the quality of eggs decline, and CoQ10 is involved in this process, because its production slows and making the body less effective at protecting the eggs from oxidative damage.
Male sperm—- is also susceptible to the effects of oxidative damage, which may result in reduced sperm count, poor sperm quality and infertility. Sperm are big consumers of energy, and CoQ10 can improve sperm quality.
Keep Skin young—- CoQ10 can reduce sun damage when applied directly to the skin, and may help reduce fine wrinkles around the eyes. Supplementing with CoQ10 may reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Reduce Headaches—- supplementing with CoQ10 help prevent and also treat migraines, as it increases mitochondrial function and reduces inflammation.
Exercise performance—- oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction affects performance. Supplementing with CoQ10 promote exercise capacity and decrease fatigue.
Food sources of CoQ10:
- vegetables : spinach, cauliflower and broccoli.
- Fruits : oranges and strawberries
- legumes : lentils, soybeans and peanuts
- nuts and seeds : sesame seeds and pistachios
- Organ meats : heart, liver and kidney
- muscle meats : pork, beef and chicken
- fatty fish : trout, herring, mackerel and sardine.
Nutrients are the fuel for our bodies. CoQ10 transform fats and nutrients into energy. This is the reason why many people go to great lengths to live healthy lives. They eat balanced, with organic products but they continue to feel at the end of the roll, stressed or sick.
Yes, they’re getting the right nutrients, but they’re missing the secret ingredient that helps turn all those great nutrients into energy !
Why you feel always tired?
From the age 25 until our death, our production of CoQ10 drops. At age 50, it has fallen by 25% and the age 80 by 60%. How a child can run for hours laughing and screaming in the garden? Just watching him tires us out..
The energy supposed to come from CoQ10 is no longer coming in the same proportions, which is why you are weakening. But a drop in CoQ10 doesn’t come with age, it causes aging! In addition to being the spark of life, it is a powerful antioxidant.
Antioxidant, Oxidative stress, free radicals are magic words that sell creams, cosmetics, fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Everyone knows that antioxidant foods are good for the body and that free radicals are dangerous, but most people don’t know much more.
What are free radicals?
We tend to think that free radicals roam nature and get caught like the flu or a cold. But that’s not the case at all. Free radicals are oxygen atoms deficient in electrons that become highly reactive. It might surprise you, but oxygen is both essential for life and highly dangerous for the body, because can potential damage to your tissues and DNA.
Fortunately our body has an antioxidant shield : Coenzyme Q10
But as I said before, with age, our CoQ10 level drops. Our body oxidises, which makes it age. Our skin wrinkles, crumbles, sags, our organs become less efficient, our muscles lose their strength. Chronic diseases break out.
Whether you consume a lot of foods with a high CoQ10 content or take a good supplement, CoQ10 will benefit your overall health. Talk to your doctor before taking supplements!
by Helena
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