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Eubiona Pink Crystal Salt, finely ground

Pack 1 kg



Pink Himalayan salt







Pink Himalayan Salt is a type of salt that’s naturally pink in color and stay near the Himalayas in Pakistan.

The pink crystal salt, from the Salt range in Pakistan is one of the purest natural salt deposits in the world.

It is traditionally mined by hand (without the use of child labour), washed and dried in the sun. People mines this salt about 260 million years ago and is completely unaffected by modern environmental pollution.

It contains 84 minerals and trace elements, which can also be found in the human body.

The crystal salt is now available in finely ground.

It can be used in a variety of ways: both for refining of food as well as for the preparation of brine for bath 🛁

  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free
  • Without genetic engineering
  • Free from microplastics
  • Unrefined
  • Without flow aids or other additives
  • Rich in minerals

What is salt?

Salt consists mostly of sodium chloride and helps regulate important processes in the body. The potentially harmful effects of too much salt have caused many people to start using pink Himalayan salt instead.

And what is Pink salt?

Pink Himalayan salt is a pink-colored salt extracted from the Khewra Salt Mine, which is located near the Himalayas in Pakistan.

Khewra Salt Mine is one of the oldest and largest salt mines in the world.

The pink Himalayan salt harvested from this mine is believed to have been formed millions of years ago from the evaporation of ancient bodies of water.

The natural harvesting process allows pink salt to that are not found in regular table salt.


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Weight1000 kg


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