Raw Swiss Alps Honey !
The Raw honey of flowers is produced in Bregaglia on the Swiss Alps.
There is a particular position of the valley, on the southern side of the Alps.
This region allows the growth of a variety of plants and flowers at an altitude between 700 and 1800 meters. So, thanks to the Mountain meadows, woods and chestnut tree, they offer delicious nectar.
Bregaglia is home to nearly 1300 species of flowers. In the summertime, nature lovers and bees 🐝 alike enjoy the flowering meadows. Consequently, local raw honey of flowers is excellent.
To learn more about Bregaglia Go here.
Without commercial agriculture, the valley is virtually free of pesticides.
That’s why our bees feel particularly good. As a result, they produce healthy and organic honey that gives strength and vitality.
The taste notes are – depending on the type and the region – very different.
How do bees produce honey?
Since ancient times, honey has been used as both a food and a medicine.
It’s very high in beneficial plant compounds and offers several health benefits.
Honey is particularly healthy when used instead of refined sugar, which is 100% empty calories.
The bees collect sugar — mainly the sugar-rich nectar of flowers — from their environment.
Once inside the beehive, they repeatedly consume, digest and regurgitate the nectar.
The end product is honey, a liquid that serves as stored food for bees. The smell, color and taste depend on the types of flowers visited.
Try this variety of Bergell flower honey !
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