Metabolism Is Energy ! Metabolism—-is defined as the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalized reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. Metabolism can also refer to all chemical reactions such as digestion and the transport of substances into and between […]
How Heart Works?
Do you know your heart ? How the Heart Works ? The heart consists of 4 chambers : 2 upper chambers called Atria which receive the blood. 2 lower chambers called Ventricles, which push the blood out from the organ. The Atria and Ventricles alternately contract and relax, to pump blood through the heart, to […]
The Science of Exercise
Many excuses for not exercising ? Thinking about health, the first thing to do is moving! What are your excuses? “I’m too busy”, I’m too tired”, “I’m too old”, “I hate exercising”? However busy you are, you can find free time in your day for some activity. Just 5, 10 or 15 minutes can prove […]
Why To Use Supplements?
Why to take supplements ? The world is changing…. The air is polluted, the ocean is contaminated , the soil is poorer. All the vitamins and minerals that we get from food have decreased. Even if we eat well, we still may not be getting an adequate amount of certain nutrients. The water we drink […]
Glands and Hormones
Do you know your Glands and Hormones ? Hormones are chemical messengers that tell organs or glands in our body to start or stop doing something. Hormones are released into our bloodstream by various glands located throughout the body. The Glands function is to secrete specific hormones. Consequently Hormones are […]
Understanding The Roots Of Nutrition
What is Nutrition? Nutrition is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food. It is the study how food and drink affects our body and the nutrients needed to support human health. It means how substances in food provide energy or are converted into body tissues. Nutrient — is a substance which an […]
Choosing Organic Foods
What is exactly Organic Foods ? Organic foods refer to items that are produced in traditional ways. What does traditional organic foods mean? Organic production defines as an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances diversity, biological cycles and biological soil activity. Without using: Pesticides Synthetic fertilisers Bioengineering Ionyzing radiation Genetically modified crops Farming organic uses various […]
What Is Gut Microbiome?
Do You Know What is the Gut Microbiome? Gut […]